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Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 RTM (x64)

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 RTM (x64)

Release Group: PSYKO666 ( P2P )
Release Name: Microsoft.Office.Professional.Plus.2013.RTM.x64.-PSYKO666
Release Date: October 25th, 2012
Filename: Microsoft.Office.Professional.Plus.2013.RTM.x64.-PSYKO666.iso
Size: 769 MB (x64 )
Type: Office Tools

Office 2013 comes with many exciting features such as cloud integration, Click-to-Run which is a streaming technology that lets you begin to use Office applications before installation is complete. Its also optimized for touch screens. Microsoft has tried its best to use a minimal Windows 8 style Metro UI in Office 2013 applications to provide a refreshing feeling.

This is the most ambitious release of Office we’ve ever done. It spans the full family of Office applications, servers and cloud services. The new Office has a fresh, touch friendly design that works beautifully on Windows 8 and unlocks modern scenarios in social, reading, note-taking, meetings and communications. We are proud to achieve this milestone and are eager to deliver this exciting release to our customers.

General availability is planned for the first quarter of 2013. Starting October 19, (Which we are availing already Duh…)


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IDWS Upload Links:
Part 1= http://files.indowebster.com/miekoco...666_part1.html
Part 2= http://files.indowebster.com/miekoco...666_part2.html
Part 3= http://files.indowebster.com/miekoco...666_part3.html
Part 4= http://files.indowebster.com/miekoco...666_part4.html


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