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Kuroshitsuji Musical: Re Run The Most Beautiful Death. THE CASTS

Kuroshitsuji Musical: Re Run The Most Beautiful Death. THE CASTS


So the staff of KuroMyu did mention the new cast of The Most Beautiful Death. And my reaction was like: Wow so many TeniMyu players *A* Then: Wtf they replaced MatsuShin (pervious Alan cast) and Saeki (previous Eric cast) orzlll. But yeah I was sad that two of them being replaced but hey just think positively! I'm sure the newest cast will play them well!

Maybe you can see this post first before read this post if you want to know more what KuroMyu is or what The Most Beatiful Death is or want to know the previous casts 
The Phantomhive:
Matsushita Yuya as Sebastian Michealis

Tanaka Taketo as Ciel Phantomhive

The Shinigami(s):
Rachi Shinji as Eric Slingby

Nakaguchi Masataka as Alan Humphries

Teruma as William T. Spears
Uehara Takuya as Grell Sutcliff

Ide Takuya as Ronald Knox

Izumi Shuuhei as Undertaker

Sasaki Yoshihide as Viscount Druitt

thanks to : biennaederusutein.blogspot.com

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